We know that Downtown Manhattan Beach is home to some of your favorite things and we invite you to share those with us as we develop a vision for Downtown.

Elizabeth Kunkee, resident, North Manhattan Beach about 10 years ago

Our family likes to park at the library, browse a bit, and then walk over to Noah's Bagels and Jamba Juice. We are really looking forward to when the library reopens.

1 Agree Created
David Biggs, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Manhattan Beach admin about 10 years ago

The new library will be a key activity center for the Downtown when it opens in 2015. That will be a key consideration in shaping the Downtown Plan and I am sure you family will enjoy the many amenities to be found there. There is a monthly construction progress report on the library available on the City web site if you want to follow the project. Just go to www.citymb.info and click on the New Library tab on the right side of the home page.
