Meeting Time: October 17, 2017 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

8. ORD 17-0021 Adopt Ordinance No. 17-0021 to Amend Title 9 to Modify the Plan Review and Permit Expiration Sections of the Manhattan Beach Municipal Code and Clarify the Issuance of Permits to Owner-Builders (Community Development Director McIntosh). ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 17-0021

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    Gary Osterhout over 7 years ago

    I believe this proposed change to be resident-unfriendly in respect to those whose properties are close to these projects that sit fallow for months, especially after the contractor has razed the structure to reduce property taxes. That this is more contractor-friendly is indicated in the "outreach" paragraph, where residents were not engaged and contractors would have no objection. Further, the title of this agenda item would not serve to alert a reader to the impact of the proposed change.