Meeting Time: August 21, 2018 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

7. 18-0365 Resolution No. 18-0119 Awarding a Professional Design Services Agreement to NV5 for Assessment Engineering Services for Proposed Underground Utility Assessment Districts 12 and 14 for $83,735, and Appropriating $123,735 from the Unreserved General Fund Balance as Follows: $40,885 for UUAD 12, $42,850 for UUAD 14 and $40,000 for Future District 4 (Public Works Director Katsouleas). a) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 18-0119 b) APPROVE APPROPRIATION

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    Gary Osterhout almost 6 years ago

    Just less than 2 months after budget is approved there is a(nother) $124K appropriation request--why have budget meetings? Why not demand better budgeting by dept heads?