Meeting Time: November 06, 2018 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. 18-0470 Resolution No. 18-0146 Adopting the Memorandum of Understanding with the Manhattan Beach Part-Time Employee Association, Appropriate Prop A Funds and Approve Transfer from General Fund (Interim Human Resources Tomikawa). a) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 18-0146 b) APPROPRIATE PROP A FUNDS c) APPROVE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND

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    Gary Osterhout over 6 years ago

    If per the budget "The Prop A and C Funds are used to account for proceeds from the half-cent sales taxes generated by the approval of Props A and C by L.A. County voters," then how can the Prop A fund operate at a deficit? Problem: You need a central budget for all transportation programs (which I've espoused forever). Also, how can you appropriate out of Consent unless you discussed nonagendized fund impact at a closed meeting? And why wasn't this in the regular budget or heard at mid-year?