12. 18-0506
Resolution No. 18-0158 Awarding a Professional Design Services Agreement for $263,272 to B&J HBK, Inc. for the Fiber-to-the-Premises Pilot Network Project and Appropriate $290,000 from the General Fund for the Project (Public Works Director Katsouleas).
Staff Report is lacking on any explanation of the area chosen, and a lot of the particulars. This might have been greenlighted at some council meeting, but from my perspective the whole project has only been discussed in concept.
I don't know why this should be appropriated at this meeting, and not at least at the mid-year budget meeting. You make a mockery of the budget session by appropriating whenever mood strikes. This is really bad process.
Staff Report is lacking on any explanation of the area chosen, and a lot of the particulars. This might have been greenlighted at some council meeting, but from my perspective the whole project has only been discussed in concept.
I don't know why this should be appropriated at this meeting, and not at least at the mid-year budget meeting. You make a mockery of the budget session by appropriating whenever mood strikes. This is really bad process.