14. 19-0083
Resolution No. 19-0007 Awarding a 7-Year Franchise Agreement for the City's Next Integrated Solid Waste Management Services (Continued from the January 15, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting) (Public Works Katsouleas).
This is, at best, a misstatement "The updated CRC administered to execute the program, which currently includes fees for billing services." E.g., significant other costs in the CRC pool include Mutt Mitts, special event trash pickup (including staff overtime), and subsidized compost/worm bins. These don't "execute the program." Talk plain and truthful.
Also, get billing out of City Hall; why no Sustainability Task Force or PPIC review; and move from single-stream recycling; no tiered pricing.
The proposed fees are very high. Waste Management does an excellent job and they have the best fees. Please have mercy on your constituents. Bob Draves 1330 12th Street. PS: Seems odd that Waste Resources sends an "update" letter to their proposal when the other two did not have such a letter as an agenda item.
This is, at best, a misstatement "The updated CRC administered to execute the program, which currently includes fees for billing services." E.g., significant other costs in the CRC pool include Mutt Mitts, special event trash pickup (including staff overtime), and subsidized compost/worm bins. These don't "execute the program." Talk plain and truthful.
Also, get billing out of City Hall; why no Sustainability Task Force or PPIC review; and move from single-stream recycling; no tiered pricing.
The proposed fees are very high. Waste Management does an excellent job and they have the best fees. Please have mercy on your constituents. Bob Draves 1330 12th Street. PS: Seems odd that Waste Resources sends an "update" letter to their proposal when the other two did not have such a letter as an agenda item.