13. 19-0411
Receive this Report on the City's Municipal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Requirements, Activities and Expenditures (Public Works Director Katsouleas).
As I often point out, this are untrue: "there is still a tremendous shortfall in funding for the implementation of the larger individual
and joint CIP projects listed in the attachment." We are able to easily fund all stormwater-related spend thru the Gen Fund the storm drain fees. There is nothing that says a storm drain system needs to be funded only by a dedicated fee, nor that storm drain funds should cover street sweeping costs. Time to tighten-up on how this is discussed.
As I often point out, this are untrue: "there is still a tremendous shortfall in funding for the implementation of the larger individual
and joint CIP projects listed in the attachment." We are able to easily fund all stormwater-related spend thru the Gen Fund the storm drain fees. There is nothing that says a storm drain system needs to be funded only by a dedicated fee, nor that storm drain funds should cover street sweeping costs. Time to tighten-up on how this is discussed.