Meeting Time: January 07, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

5. 20-0006 Adopt Title VI Plan for the City of Manhattan Beach in Order to Receive $462,600 in Grant Funds to Purchase Four Dial-A-Ride Buses and $540,000 for the Aviation Boulevard Sidewalk Installation Project (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman and Public Works Director Katsouleas). APPROVE

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    Gary Osterhout about 5 years ago

    Compliments on securing these grants, especially for the Aviation project (for which Northrup should thank you for bearing their costs). Now, will you use the freed transportation fund monies for improvements to our needed transportation infrastructure, such as a shuttle system, upgraded bus benches, bus stop shelters, a viable east/west bike transit across Sepulveda, and path access from Parkview to Marine Ave. park?