Meeting Time: March 17, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

17. 20-0097 Request by the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation (MBEF) to Place a Donor Appreciation Community Recognition Wall in Metlox Plaza, and If Approved, Delegate Authority to the City Manager to Execute Agreement (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Gary Osterhout over 4 years ago

    No, no a thousand times, NO. Our "public living room" is not the place for this, nor do I like the precedence. Further, while I know the city changes, for a long time we have resisted putting peoples names in public places--that is a good policy. If they want to put something up short-term and temporary, I can abide that. But I mean one month at the most, or a couple weeks at beginning and ending of fund drive.