Meeting Time: May 05, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MINUTES PER PERSON) Pursuant to Governor Newsom's Executive Orders No. N-25-20 and No. N-29-20, City Council Chambers is not open to the public. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing, the City Council encourages the public to participate by submitting comments in advance of the meeting, no later than 5:30 PM, May 5, 2020 (the day of the meeting), via: 1) eComment at; 2) email to; or 3) telephone message recorded at (310) 802-5030. All of your comments provided by the deadlines above will be available to the City Council and the public prior to the meeting. In addition, you may participate by joining Zoom during the meeting. If you wish to speak on any item on the agenda, please register in advance by clicking the following link: 1) Join Zoom Meeting via the internet: Direct URL:, Meeting ID: 915-1395-4171 During the meeting you will need to use the "raise hand" emoji through Zoom at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments. 2) Join Zoom Meeting via Phone Conference (Voice Only): Phone Number: (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 915-1395-4171 During the meeting you will need to enter *9 on the phone's dial pad at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments.

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    Peter Flax almost 5 years ago

    I don't have a strong position about whether or not to open parks, but I would urge you to prioritize the input of experts—namely scientists and doctors who specialize in infectious disease—over the passionate frustrations of local residents. The implications of your decisions could impact the health of the entire community and you should take that seriously.

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    Sandra Calleros almost 5 years ago

    Please open the tennis courts. Responsible play as outlined by the United States Tennis Association is safe and will not spread Covid-19. It would greatly benefit our physical and mental health.

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    Anna Kissell almost 5 years ago

    I fully support the reopening of the strand, bike path, recreational parks, and beach (LA County) in MB. Outdoor spaces are a lifeline to our daily lives. Nurses, doctors, and medical personal right here in our own neighborhood fully support access as it provides an open, safe space to exercise and de-stress. Strict closures seem unnecessary at this time as it has been scientifically proven that outdoor activity provides far more benefits than not. Thank you for your consideration and support.

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    Ken Bush almost 5 years ago

    I support responsible social distancing on our beaches, tennis courts and parks.

    MB has embraced the responsibility of proper socal distancing on the greenbelt, streets,and essential businessess. Limiting access to other activity venues has congested the alllowed areas, and I believe that the message is clear how important this practice is. It's not reasonable to expect folks to continue to stay home, allowing more space for people to be outdoors will be more effective to practice Social Dist.

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    Kirsten Helvey almost 5 years ago

    Please reopen tennis courts. There is more social distancing playing tennis then walking around MB. Our streets are very crowded with residents walking and biking. Please allow us to use tennis courts where we are well over 6 feet from another player.

    Based on Newson's news conference, he too agrees that tennis can be played safely. See 22:23, "we have guidance on tennis, as an activity, an outdoor activity, which we encourage again, as long as you practice physical distancing."

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    Tristy Patterson almost 5 years ago

    I support surfing and I support the beaches and strand being open for everyone.
    I mean, if you’re elderly or have prior health conditions I think you should stay inside, you should take the precautions, but if not, then I can’t see anybody stop living their lives.

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    Amy Digiaro almost 5 years ago

    Please reopen tennis courts. There is more social distancing playing tennis then walking around MB. Our streets are very crowded with residents walking and biking. Please allow us to use tennis courts where we are well over 6 feet from another player.

    Based on Newson's news conference, he too agrees that tennis can be played safely. See 22:23, "we have guidance on tennis, as an activity, an outdoor activity, which we encourage again, as long as you practice physical distancing."

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    Blaine Kuiper almost 5 years ago

    Please pressure the County to retract its order to close the beach and bike path. I wasn’t around during the infamous March 21 beach-rush, but the week that followed showed a paucity of people. Finances and fears will likely keep many away now. Also, please avoid a protracted reopening with tedious phases. The four-step plan described earlier is sure to annoy the public and make no meaningful difference than simply a one- or two-step plan. Instead, maybe limit the amount of available parking.

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    Edward Gajdicar almost 5 years ago

    I want to bring to CC's attention the increase in mentally ill homeless in MB. NextDoor Meadows Section: Homeless Man with Weapon in Neighborhood. On the walkway that connects Aviation to Wendy Way, a homeless man holding a machete not a knife rushed a man, Police were called and the man was apprehended. They took him to the Hawthorne Police Station. Please increase foot patrols around the city

    Attachments: knife.jpg
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    Marilyn Norrie almost 5 years ago

    I support opening the Strand and bike path. Having everyone crowded into Ocean Dr is not safe for many reasons and does little (if anything) to reduce the chance of transmission.

    To open the Strand safely, you can request (but do not force) people to wear face masks and safely distance. You can put signs out to this effect.

    The level of restriction being imposed here in Manhattan Beach is excessive and unnecessary.

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    Kevin Whilden almost 5 years ago

    Please fight to open our beaches for recreational use. I am personally feeling extremely distressed from not be able to swim in the ocean for the past six weeks. Keeping it closed is causing more harm than good to people that live in Manhattan Beach.

    I believe the that residents can use the beach responsibly. San Diego has instituted rules to allow residents to use the beach for active recreation, like walking, swimming, or surfing. We should do the same as soon as possible.