Meeting Time: May 07, 2020 at 8:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C. PUBLIC COMMENTS Pursuant to Governor Newsom's Executive Orders No. N-25-20 and No. N-29-20, City Council Chambers is not open to the public. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing, the City Council encourages the public to participate by submitting comments in advance of the meeting, no later than 7:30 AM, May 7, 2020 (the day of the meeting), via: 1) eComment at; 2) email to; or 3) telephone message recorded at (310) 802-5030. All of your comments provided by the deadlines above will be available to the City Council and the public prior to the meeting. In addition, you may participate by joining Zoom during the meeting: If you wish to speak on any item on the agenda, please register in advance by clicking the following link: 1) Join Zoom Meeting via the internet: Direct URL:, Meeting ID: 946-5707-6340 During the meeting you will need to use the "raise hand" emoji through Zoom at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments. 2) Join Zoom Meeting via Phone Conference (Voice Only): Phone Number: (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 946-5707-6340 During the meeting you will need to enter *9 on the phone's dial pad at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments.

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    Scott Weller almost 5 years ago

    Please allow 2x2 beach VB in phase 2 of the opening the beaches. To compare and categorize 5x5 basketball to 2x2 VB is absurd. VB can be played with long sleeves, masks and gloves to prevent the spread of Covid 19. Do the right thing and let us get back to normalcy.