Meeting Time: May 12, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

E. PUBLIC COMMENTS Direct URL:, Meeting ID: 935-5179-9363 Use the "raise hand" button through Zoom at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments. Join Zoom Meeting via Phone Conference (Voice Only): Phone Number: (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 935-5179-9363 Enter *9 on the phone's dial pad at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments.

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    Emily Meyer almost 5 years ago

    Open all small businesses. You are destroying them without just cause. Measures were taken to prevent overburdening our hospitals. Stressed-induced illnesses will increase as a result at numbers much higher than those of covid-19. Historically, we have had far more serious diseases in the community such as polio, H2N2, H1N1, SARS, Rhuematic Fever. This is not ebola where 90% of the infected die, & not as contagious as tuberculosis. Why do you not trust your constituents to make decisions?

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    Sana Radville almost 5 years ago

    Please open the Strand. Remove face covering requirement at the beach. Happy to discuss medical reasons for my request. Also, are you planning to build a wheelchair access from the Strand to the water or close to it.? I made these requests, offered my medical views and never heard back. Thank you.