Direct URL: https://zoom.us/j/93551799363, Meeting ID: 935-5179-9363
Use the "raise hand" button through Zoom at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments.
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Phone Number: (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 935-5179-9363
Enter *9 on the phone's dial pad at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments.
Open all small businesses. You are destroying them without just cause. Measures were taken to prevent overburdening our hospitals. Stressed-induced illnesses will increase as a result at numbers much higher than those of covid-19. Historically, we have had far more serious diseases in the community such as polio, H2N2, H1N1, SARS, Rhuematic Fever. This is not ebola where 90% of the infected die, & not as contagious as tuberculosis. Why do you not trust your constituents to make decisions?
Please open the Strand. Remove face covering requirement at the beach. Happy to discuss medical reasons for my request. Also, are you planning to build a wheelchair access from the Strand to the water or close to it.? I made these requests, offered my medical views and never heard back. Thank you.
Open all small businesses. You are destroying them without just cause. Measures were taken to prevent overburdening our hospitals. Stressed-induced illnesses will increase as a result at numbers much higher than those of covid-19. Historically, we have had far more serious diseases in the community such as polio, H2N2, H1N1, SARS, Rhuematic Fever. This is not ebola where 90% of the infected die, & not as contagious as tuberculosis. Why do you not trust your constituents to make decisions?
Please open the Strand. Remove face covering requirement at the beach. Happy to discuss medical reasons for my request. Also, are you planning to build a wheelchair access from the Strand to the water or close to it.? I made these requests, offered my medical views and never heard back. Thank you.