Meeting Time: June 04, 2020 at 12:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

2. Discussion of Outdoor Dining and Retail Options on the Public Right-of-Way (Sidewalks or Parking Spaces) and Private Property for Restaurants and Businesses to Accommodate Social Distancing Measures Required by State and County Protocols to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 (Community Development Director Tai).

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    Vicky Purvis almost 5 years ago

    I support outdoor dining, however please consider bollards "temporary barriers" as an emergency measure

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    Becky McCalla almost 5 years ago

    Yes! Please allow businesses to use sidewalks, walk streets and even consider blocking off parts of downtown MB for this. Our businesses will literally go out of business if we don't allow for social distancing for shopping and for restaurants.

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    Tallie Dennis almost 5 years ago

    I enthusiastically support outdoor dining & shopping! Making our downtown pedestrian-only could help our small businesses recover, as well as create a fun & charming community feel. I live downtown & would not object to closed roads (thru the summer, year, or beyond). A small driving delay or need to re-route to my home would not be a problem. Any incremental noise would not bother me. The positives far outweigh any potential negatives. Let’s support our local small business friends & families!

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    Joseph Fusco, Mr almost 5 years ago

    I believe that not only will allowing outdoor dining expansion into public spaces help restaurants recover, it is an attractive way to add to the friendly feel of the city.

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    Gary Osterhout almost 5 years ago

    i) Just to provide some historical background, the downtown walkstreet areas (like next to Bacchus) were given significant participant approval for outside dining per the 1999 Downtown Walking Tour. Unfortunately, this approval got distorted to downtown outside dining anywhere (except the walkstreets), even those sidewalks not wide enough to support. The data is available, if interested. ii) If the current proposal reduces meter revenue, revenue s/b replaced by Uncertainty Reserve.