Meeting Time: July 07, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

12. 20-0206 Consider Introducing Ordinances Amending Manhattan Beach Municipal Code 7.32 - Tree, Shrub and Plan Regulations and 7.36 - Private Use of the Public Right of Way, Approving the City of Manhattan Beach Urban Forest Master Plan and Making a Determination of Exemption Under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Works Director Katsouleas). a) INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NOS. 20-0009 AND 20-0010 b) APPROVE URBAN FOREST MASTER PLAN

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    SUZANNE LERNER over 4 years ago

    i would like clarification on this issue of allowing commercial use of sidewalk encroachments on walk streets. this was prohibited specifically by city council over 10 years ago after much public debate. i am very concerned about the “encroaching” of public space especially ones adjoining residential walk streets. this appears to be an attempt to change it. soon there will be no public space left for people to sit anywhere thank you. no notification was mailed to me.