Meeting Time: July 03, 2020 at 10:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

1. Consideration of Additional Outdoor Dining Options Including, but not Limited to, Usage of Portions of the Public Right-of-Way, for Restaurants to Accommodate State and County Prohibitions on Indoor In-Person Dining and Required Social Distancing Measures to Limit the Spread of COVID-19. DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Josh Zuckerwise about 4 years ago

    Additional outdoor seating, ideally without the expense of reimbursing lost meter revenue, is the best way MB can support its restaurants and the community. The community, cannot afford for these restaurants to go out of business. Any short-team lost revenue or parking inconvenience will be well worth it in the mid- and long-term. It has always been a focus of Council's to preserve the MB spirit and help support our local businesses. This is an easy way to continue with that commitment.

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    Neal Perlmutter about 4 years ago

    It is essential we utilize the public space to 1) help keep our restaurants alive and 2) to bring vibrancy and foot traffic to our streets during this pandemic. Our small businesses won't survive without it. Let's do the right thing and help keep these businesses afloat.

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    Sarah Nedelman about 4 years ago

    Please approve additional outdoor dining spacing. Restaurants will not be able to sustain with the current restrictions and will likely go out out business. We need to support our local establishments that have defined our town. Other cities are doing this and have even paid for the build outs. Let’s band together and make this happen.

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    Christina Vaughan about 4 years ago

    Our locally owned restaurants need our help now more than ever! They need the outdoor dining to generate income and avoid closure. What would Manhattan Beach be without it’s charm of locally owned restaurants? Do the right thing and permit outdoor dining at least through the end of the summer. We are in this together.

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    Sanjay Tolia about 4 years ago

    Downtown looks way more vibrant now. Using that prime real estate for parking is the most inefficient use of space possible.

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    Moti Ifergan about 4 years ago

    We want to support our local restaurants and if we don’t allow them to expand seating most of them will be out of business in short time just to be replaced by big chain stores and empty places. Please approve it and expand it to all downtown every weekend at least until end of summer.

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    Colleen Soulis about 4 years ago

    Utilizing more downtown streets with outdoor dining will keep our city vibrant and economically vibrant. Also would like city to look into renting parking lot below Strand House for additional outdoor dining and to look at open air shuttle to take people from parking garages on Sepulveda and Rosecrans.

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    Sue Freund about 4 years ago

    We support doing what Is necessary to help our local restaurants.

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    Jennifer Dunbar about 4 years ago

    We are in total support of expanding the outdoor dining! Let's do all we can do to support our local restaurants!!!