Meeting Time: July 09, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

2. Implicit Bias: Experiences Living, Working and Going to School in Manhattan Beach Malissia R Clinton Dalia Feliciano Lee Phillips Jemal Williams

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    Rita CrabtreeKampe over 4 years ago

    What is the instigator for this evenings meeting? What is the intent? Our PD/FD are staffed with people of excellent character. Our community is open and supportive. Education is key to discussion of implicit bias. No one is exempt from unconscious behaviors. When we consciously examine our thoughts/behavior and listen to each other "at the table" we can learn what needs changing; everyone needs to be at the table. Change comes from within. I support education: in school, church, community.

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    Dennis Chavez over 4 years ago

    There is definitely an implicit bias by the citizens of Manhattan Beach and it’s police force. If you are any color but White, it is assumed you are a non-resident and are up to no good. White, wealthy residents are treated with the utmost respect; while brown people are treated with suspicion and fear.
    This is why so many commenters here are so shocked that we want some reform and dialogue.

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    Wendy Purcell over 4 years ago

    Today I read in the Manhattan Beach Patch that a council member stated that including Black Lives Matter in tonight’s discussion was a non-starter. Addressing racism and improving policing policies are not polar opposites – they are complementary. Recognizing Black Lives Matter and improving policing policies is neither a binary choice, nor inherently divisive. The divisions in our town begin when individuals choose not to listen to or recognize their neighbors’ concerns from the get-go.

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    Natalie Olivares over 4 years ago

    Every American has internalized notions of white superiority. The US was founded on the enslavement & abuse of people of the African diaspora & the displacement, abuse and murder of Indigenous folks. Police enforcement is rooted in these histories and biases -without incorporating Black & Indigenous folk's needs and wellbeing into the systems of accountability for violence and abuse, police bias continues to harm these communities. Support your community members, not just the White ones. Listen.

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    Alison Chavez over 4 years ago

    There is an implicit bias against anyone who “looks like they don’t belong here”. That is a quote from an officer who stopped my mixed race son and white friend (RB res) while they were walking to the beach. My husband was stopped pulling into our driveway because he was in an old car. Race, age, socio/econ status; what exactly is the criteria given to patrol officers to stop someone in MB for no other reason than appearance? If you have to look a certain way to enter MB, I want to know why.

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    thomas chang over 4 years ago

    Where does BLM receive its money. To whom does BLM send money. What political parties are backing BLM. What is BLMs paltform. Can you confirm BLM proclaims all black Americans should receive a guaranteed minimum income and free healthcare, schooling, food, real estate, gender reassignment surgery, and abortion; bring an end to all jails; disrupt the traditional family; demand reparations, ending cash bail, defunding the police, Is BLM an arm of SOuth Bay Cares and the democratic party

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    Stephanie Monash over 4 years ago

    Isn’t the assumption of “implicit bias” in and of itself a manifestation of bias/prejudice? If not, please define in detail how prejudging another person (or worse yet, a race of people or an entire society) as having an implicit bias is anything other than de facto implicit bias. Cavalier misuse of judgmental and inflammatory language further degrades already compromised discourse. Personal opinions and impressions, no matter how dearly held, should not be elevated to the level of facts.

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    Vicky Purvis over 4 years ago

    This question is for Melissa. Please provide the final name of the crime arson or was it classified as a hate crime. Were there any further crimes? Is there any evidence that the person committing the crime was a Manhattan Beach resident? Explain how through the investigation was. What led you to believe the crime was not random.

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    Edward Gajdicar over 4 years ago

    Feliciano states families worked to get into the MBUSD to take advantage of the resources. Feliciano stated the price of real estate does not dictate where people find themselves feeling at home. I always feel separate from the community, and that was because of my race
    Question for Feliciano Support your statement with data. Please explain why one is responsible for your feelings? What have you done to try to fit in more? Why is it a one way street? your interpretation could be wrong

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    Nicole Andrews over 4 years ago

    This is a question for Feliciano she said "Look at all these boards gesturing to the plywood-covered storefront windows.
    Please ask her how is this racist or not inclusive? What would the prudent thing for a business owner to do? Do they realize the investment these owners have in their businesses? Do they understand how ordinary citizens feel threatened?