Meeting Time: August 04, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

a) Review of Modifications to Emergency Order No. 13 on Facial Coverings.

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    Kim Muller over 4 years ago

    Writing tonite to reiterate that the curve is not flat. July cases in MB were up 95% over June, following the local/nat'l trend. 619 residents responded to an UNSCIENTIFIC poll on ND the last 3 days. 39% say they saw 75% wearing masks, 36% said 50% and 11% said 25%.

    I've read dozens of comments from people saying they see even less compliance, so clearly enforcement is lacking.

    Please enforce this mandate! The City needs to lead!

    When can those of us stuck at home go out again

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    Ann Boreson over 4 years ago

    I would like to discuss our mandatory mask ruling and what has happened to my family due to letting down our guard and not wearing a mask. COVID is real and my family has suffered greatly from our mistake and we are not out of the woods yet. I hope I can give a voice to how serious and contagious this virus is and the importance of a mask for the overall health of our community.

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    Carole Cooper over 4 years ago

    I've seen reports that officers have told adults that they can't cite teenagers sitting around in groups without masks in the civic center "because they're minors." Is this a correct interpretation of the ordinance?
