Meeting Time: August 18, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

16. 20-0254 Consider Request by Councilmember Hersman and Councilmember Stern to Discuss the History of Bruce's Beach (City Manager Moe). RECEIVE REPORT

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    Cecelia Allen about 4 years ago

    The city council cannot pass up the opportunity for Dr. Jefferson to provide the city with a history of what happened to Bruce's Beach and must continue to pursue her services. The current plaque must be updated, the city must reinstate the land to the Bruce descendants, and pay for the losses incurred since it was wrongfully stolen from them.

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    Montie Taylor about 4 years ago

    I doubt that Dr. Jefferson can deliver enough new info to justify a $2K payday. I think we can all agree that the council can provide a link to the definitive Bob Brigham thesis so those interested can read it. I’m all for a truthful plaque and a truthful history. But against restitution and reparations for a legal action that took place a century ago. It’s wrong to hold today’s residents and those still not born responsible, trying to saddle them with a punishing taxable event.

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    thomas chang about 4 years ago

    Activist Kavon Ward, advocate for the Bruce's and friend of Dr Jefferson. Because of her ties Dr Jefferson can not present a fair discussion. A city employee/attorney can present Council minutes regarding eminent domain; Declaration of Necessity; Notice of Taking by Eminent Domain and initial Offer;Court file and litigation; Deeds.Activists from outside should not determine how the city proceeds. We are a nation of laws.. For those who want reparations give your money away to right any wrongs.

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    Alissa Marquis about 4 years ago

    I urge Council to take tangible steps to heal the injustice that created Bruce's Beach Park. We as a city need to face this for the good of our souls and the soul of our beloved City.
    Lets move the conversation from monetary to educational reparation and use Bruce's Beach to educate about the history of Black beachgoing. Let’s bring Dr Jefferson into the conversation and learn from her.
    MB is known for our excellent education, so let's use Bruce's as a springboard for racial justice education.

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    Catherine Coan about 4 years ago

    We need to look directly at this history and finally come out explicitly supporting this family and all Black families in our community. YES to Dr. Jefferson, YES to accurate historical representation, YES to all attempts to make this abomination right.

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    Jonathan Chapman about 4 years ago

    Once again, I underscore the importance of any settlement with families displaced by the discredited eminent domain seizure at Bruce's Beach include return of title to those dispossessed. Anything short of that could only be seen as an empty and inconsequential gesture. If anything, such a settlement could worked to the detriment of the city and council.
    Thank you for your time.

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    Kenzie Packer about 4 years ago

    Addressing the authentic history of Bruce's Beach is, without a doubt, a necessary step to be taken by the city of Manhattan beach; but, it requires engaging in conversations with individuals well-versed in the topic. Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson can be consulted as someone whose expertise is guaranteed to provide a complete understanding of the true history. I fully support reparations for the descendants of Bruce, as well as alterations to the current (inadequately informed) plaque.

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    Jaya Loharuka about 4 years ago

    Dr Jefferson must be consulted instead of having a biased city employee. I e must support the petition calling for a new, accurate plaque, a public statement from the city, and most importantly, restitution and restoration of the land to the Bruce Family.

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    Alison Chavez about 4 years ago

    This is an opportunity for all Manhattan Beach citizens to hear our tragic and shameful history. It is but a small first step in making amends, somehow, to the Bruce family, and taking responsibility for our past by changing how we do things today. The controversy surrounding the eminent domain seizure of the Bruce property has pulled back our mask of civility, to reveal a systematic practice and attitude of covert racism in our beautiful serene beach community. We have a lot of work to do.

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    Elise Johnson about 4 years ago

    Not only should Dr. Jefferson be consulted (as she is the leading living expert on this subject), Council might also reaching out to a Bruce descendant such as Dr. Robynn Cox, a professor at USC.

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    Kaitlyn McQuown about 4 years ago

    Historical documents should be consulted, but the discussion of Bruce's Beach is not complete with a report done by a city employee in lieu of a presentation by Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson, the living expert on this history. The city must come to an agreement to include Dr. Jefferson: she must be compensated appropriately for her extensive research. Without her, we can't have a common understanding to determine how to heal and move forward. The City should also engage the Bruce family directly.

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    No Reparations 4BrucesBeach about 4 years ago

    Activist Kavon Ward, advocate for the Bruce's and friend of Dr Jefferson. Because of her ties Dr Jefferson can not present a fair discussion. A city employee/attorney can present Council minutes regarding eminent domain; Declaration of Necessity; Notice of Taking by Eminent Domain and initial Offer;Court file and litigation; Deeds.Activists from outside should not determine how the city proceeds. We are a nation of laws.. For those who want reparations give your money away to right any wrongs.

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    Andi Svenneby about 4 years ago

    I oppose the city ending this topic with information compiled by a city employee because they are unwilling to come to an agreement to pay the expert, Dr. Jefferson, to speak on the topic. I support full disclosure of the history of Bruce's Beach, as well as full restitution and reparations. Generational wealth has been taken away from this family, and trauma taking it's place. Those not recognizing this are looking with privileged blinders and supremacist mindset. Tax inherited properties.

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    MBUSD Community Panel for Equity about 4 years ago

    We cannot discuss Bruce's Beach without engaging with Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson AND the Bruce family themselves. The Bruce family and Beach City social justice organizations demand that the city revise the current plaque so it is NOT telling inaccurate, whitewashed history, and that it provide land restoration and financial reparations for the Bruce family. Manhattan Beach needs to take responsibility for the violence and racism that occurred and right its wrongs to allow our community to heal.

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    Edward Gajdicar about 4 years ago

    Activist Kavon Ward, advocate for the Bruce's and friend of Dr Jefferson. Because of her ties Dr Jefferson can not present a fair discussion. A city employee/attorney can present Council minutes regarding eminent domain; Declaration of Necessity; Notice of Taking by Eminent Domain and initial Offer;Court file and litigation; Deeds.Activists from outside should not determine how the city proceeds. We are a nation of laws. For those who want reparations give your money away.

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    Priya Chatwani about 4 years ago

    Thank you for opening up the topic of Bruce's Beach, bu we cannot engage in this discussion without Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson. We must also engage with the Bruce family themselves to revise the current plaque and provide financial reparations for the land that was stolen from them. In order to move forward and reconcile with our past and present, Manhattan Beach must acknowledge and take responsibility for the violent and racist history of Bruce's Beach.

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    Gary Osterhout about 4 years ago

    As of today I do not see the case or benefit for any direct reparations to the Bruce's. I suggest a focus, though, on the actions of George Peck and whether we want to continue "honoring" him and family thru street signs, etc. Any meaningful "reparations" might result from an analysis of our current actions involving our welcoming county residents of color, including a look at regional/local transit systems/benches/shelters, or any subtle but exclusionary park development/utilization practices.

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    Alex Davis about 4 years ago

    While I appreciate that the city council wants to discuss Bruce's Beach, I do not think it is appropriate to have this discussion without a qualified historian without ties to the city administration. As Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson is the most qualified historians on this topic she should be invited to join the discussion and provide context. Context which the city and "neutral historical documents" often fail to fully capture. To do otherwise would fail to provide all an opportunity to learn.

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    Steve Fazzio about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to reparations or any change to the monument in the Bruce's Beach Park. Many people who signed the petition on do not live in Manhattan Beach, do not vote for our city leaders, and will not be responsible for paying reparations demanded by the petition. I am retired and my property taxes are well over $20,000 per year. Many of us will not be able to afford paying reparations in addition to our property taxes. Please keep this in mind. Thank you.

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    Lisa Lewis about 4 years ago

    The discussion should be neutral and factual. Historians tell a story, which can be subjective. A city employee/attorney can present the Council minutes regarding eminent domain and Declaration of Necessity, minutes authorizing the expenditure; The Notice of Taking by Eminent Domain and initial Offer; Court file and litigation; Deeds which the City currently hold title. Activists from outside the city should not determine how the city proceeds.I oppose any restitution