Meeting Time: December 01, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Elizabeth Heatherton over 4 years ago

    Hello, as a 30yr resident of MB, I fully support MPT Hadley in her position as Mayor. CC Stern should withdraw Agenda Item 11 and also issue an APOLOGY to Suzanne and the citizens of MB as her real agenda is quite obvious, does not merit vote and is just spiteful. The CC/Mayoral rotation process has been in effect for DECADES without issue; any attempt to change this now clearly is showing ulterior motives with a much larger narrative. Thank you.

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    stephen Packwood over 4 years ago

    Re: item number 11 on December 1, 2020 agenda:
    We would ask that any comments, opinions, or signatures collected or submitted and used to consider this issue, be verified as actual current Manhattan Beach Residents. We are in favor of Suzanne Hadley being elected as Mayor as of today, December 1, 2020
    Steve and Paula Packwood

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    Judy Peng over 4 years ago

    Councilwoman Stern needs to WITHDRAW Agenda Item 11 she proposed with the support of outgoing councilwoman Hersman. It’s a political hit job against MPT Hadley. Their “agenda” is obvious and this item does NOT merit a vote. Mayor Hadley should assume her rightful post tonight without delay. Thank you.

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    Maureen Denitz over 4 years ago

    I’ve been a resident of MB for over 33 years and support Suzanne Hadley for Mayor. Im disappointed in CC Stern for creating this agenda item especially concerning its timing. It’s a bit partisan in my opinion. Anyway, I trust CC Suzanne Hadley will be our next Mayor. Im sure she will continue the wonderful job that Mayor Montgomery has done during this challenging year. Thank you Mayor Montgomery and City Council for all your endless hours. Happy Holidays

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    thomas chang over 4 years ago

    Allison Chavez has circulated a petition, many signed who are resident of the MB, may not even of the US. This petition and signatures should not be considered as the rotation of Mayor is a resident issue. Verify all signatures as residents before accepting the peitition

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    Vicky Purvis over 4 years ago

    I am asking the city to change the protocol for public comments and require a public statement of residency. This is important because of social media which allows non residents to weigh in on local issue, ie. the petition circulated by Allison Chavez, it has signatures but the majority are from non residents. The priority of the CC are the residents.

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    Gary Osterhout over 4 years ago

    Folks - We are in the middle of a pandemic. I read from a recent Council recap that you authorized "more signage." Yet you haven't had a mask banner over MBB at Morningside since the beg. of August. Hermosa has had one over Pier continuously. Make up your minds: either banners have little to no impact (in which I would recommend they are never used), or at least they should be used for significant community-wide messaging. [And the "{vote} MANHATTAN BEACH Nov. 3" banners were pitiful]

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    Steve De Baets over 4 years ago

    I fully support MPT Suzanne Hadley becoming our next Mayor. The process of serving as Mayor has been a recognized tradition for many years. Ms Hadley was elected to City Council because she represents a a large portion of MB residents.
    I am hopeful that the vindictive nature within City Council will end this coming January.
    I'm a 65 year resident of MB, 40 year business owner and 36 home owner.
    Steve De Baets

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    Edda Elias over 4 years ago

    Hello Manhattan Beach City Council,

    My name is Edda Elias and I have been a resident of MB since 1998.
    I voted for Suzanne Hadley with the understanding she would be Mayor as part of a 5 decade tradition which I support tremendously.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Edda Elias

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    Yolanda Landis over 4 years ago

    I support the traditional orderly transition of mayoral authority used seamlessly for many years.During my 50 years residency, MB has been the envy of politically divided communities.Each MB council member brings his or her life experience and ideas to the table. MB policies are formed by genial and thoughtful coordination of our representatives for the benefit of all.I receive offers for my house constantly.It’s no accident.As President Johnson often said, If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

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    Carl St Bernard over 4 years ago

    I oppose appointing Susan Hadley as MB mayor. The move to the mayor position is an informal tradition. We elect city council representatives. Not mayors. Our mayor is the chief spokesperson for the city. She has not shown the necessary skills to be effective in this capacity. Racist social media posts, misinformed & insensitive COVID-19 Nat'l TV interview, open conflict with MBUSD regarding opening, politicized BLM comments are all examples of her lack of aptitude for the role of MB mayor.

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    Mike Michalski over 4 years ago

    I support Suzanne Hadley as our next mayor. The whole point of the mayoral rotation was to keep partisan politics out of the Council chambers by giving each councilmember a turn at the head of the dais. To allow a small, strident mob to influence a 50-year tradition that has served this city well would be a huge mistake, it would effectively disenfranchise Suzanne's many supporters and would forever damage the ability of Council members with differing viewpoints to work together collaboratively.

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    Jamie Danis over 4 years ago

    Do not to appoint Suzanne Hadley as our next mayor. We’re facing unprecedented challenges amidst a global pandemic and Hadley has repeatedly proven that she does not have the necessary qualities to lead our city through this crisis. What she dismisses as “gaffes” and “unvarnished positions” in fact reflect a pattern of behavior that will continue if she's appointed mayor and will reflect abysmally on MB. We can't afford to have Hadley as our representative. We can and we must do better.

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    Dorit Bollinger over 4 years ago

    I support the selection of Suzanne Hadley as the next mayor of MB in keeping of the traditional rotation and her excellence as a council member

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    Armance Sherman over 4 years ago

    I am commenting to express my opposition to Suzanne Hadley. She is unfit to be mayor due to her ignorance regarding issues of racial justice as well as COVID safety. Her rhetoric is divisive and it is clear that her personal (ignorant) opinions are affecting the positions she takes professionally. Please do not confirm Suzanne Hadley as mayor. Thank you.

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    Lucia aMES over 4 years ago

    I am asking the city to change the protocol for public comments and require a public statement of residency, as it happens in the majority of other cities, Santa Monica included. Too many times people who do not vote and do not pay taxes here have tried to manipulate the public discourse, and too many times politicians have used that to advance their particular agenda. Please, promote transparency and require a public statement of residency. Lucia La Rosa Ames, a resident.

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    Joseph Fusco, Mr over 4 years ago

    The South Bay cities should appoint their own health director under the auspices of Beach Cities Health District and follow the lead of Pasadena in directing our own health guidelines. The County wide approach does not work for us.

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    Samantha Broussard over 4 years ago

    I am commenting in regards to Ms. Hadley. I don’t do not believe she is prepared to lead the Manhattan Beach community with the best interests of all residents in mind. She has denied the existence of racism in our community, and continues to show a disregard for COVID safety, particularly as it concerns our students and MBUSD schools. Please do not confirm Ms. Hadley as mayor. Thank you.