Meeting Time: December 01, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

8. 20-0334 Consideration of a Resolution Appropriating an Additional $70,000 from the Measure R Fund as Project Contingency for the Downtown Traffic Signal Upgrade Project (Public Works Director Katsouleas). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 20-0138

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    Gary Osterhout over 4 years ago

    Do not like Consent to be used for appropriations. Also, why aren't CDBG funds being used for work in respect to ADA standards. Also, when a project eliminates long-standing items such as the mid-block crossings along the parkway at 15th/Valley-Ardmore and MBB/Valley-Ardmore, such should be explicitly identfiable by the casual reader. Including such in a general "Signal Upgrade" project is not the transparency we are looking for.