8. 20-0334
Consideration of a Resolution Appropriating an Additional $70,000 from the Measure R Fund as Project Contingency for the Downtown Traffic Signal Upgrade Project (Public Works Director Katsouleas).
Do not like Consent to be used for appropriations. Also, why aren't CDBG funds being used for work in respect to ADA standards. Also, when a project eliminates long-standing items such as the mid-block crossings along the parkway at 15th/Valley-Ardmore and MBB/Valley-Ardmore, such should be explicitly identfiable by the casual reader. Including such in a general "Signal Upgrade" project is not the transparency we are looking for.
Do not like Consent to be used for appropriations. Also, why aren't CDBG funds being used for work in respect to ADA standards. Also, when a project eliminates long-standing items such as the mid-block crossings along the parkway at 15th/Valley-Ardmore and MBB/Valley-Ardmore, such should be explicitly identfiable by the casual reader. Including such in a general "Signal Upgrade" project is not the transparency we are looking for.