Meeting Time: December 01, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Kirsten Stockton over 4 years ago

    I oppose Suzanne Hadley's appointment. As ref. by MB's Sunshine Policy, she is obligated "to conduct the people’s business." Hadley has taken it upon herself to speak her personal views which do not reflect all MB citizens. Life & death is not political. People are dying from COVID; Hadley says she knows none. Black people are dying from abuses of power/systematic racism; Hadley calls BLM anti-Semitic. Is the soul of MB to follow a tradition, or to be a pillar of human life and equality?

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    Heather de Roos over 4 years ago

    Dear Manhattan Beach (MB) Council Members, Tonight, I encourage you to vote yes for Mayor Pro Tem, Suzanne Hadley, to be the next mayor of MB. Like you, she was elected by the citizens of MB. There is no legal reason to disrupt the 50 year tradition of mayoral rotation. I truly appreciate Mayor Montgomery's leadership during this time of uncertainty, but it is time to continue the tradition. Thank you for your consideration and your service. Many thanks, Heather and Dirk de Roos, MB residents.