Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item


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    Secily Anderson almost 4 years ago

    Re: checking addresses--my wife works for MBPD and I've worked on and off for Manhattan Academy for many years. Our voices matter too. The task force should continue and remain vigilant.

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    Marla Likins almost 4 years ago

    The Task Force’s agreed on time is over and the TF should now end. All additional proposals outside of its original 3 tasks should be rejected, including building low-income housing and forming a DEIC. None of the 3 apology versions should be signed. It’s time for co-chairs to show some leadership and get the TF back on track- thank the TF for their service and consider the BBTF done.

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    Maureen Denitz almost 4 years ago

    Many racism accusations are being hurled at our town and its residents because some of us oppose the continuation of the BBTask force past tonight. How many of these e comments and letters are from actual residents in MB. We cannot let outsiders smear our city and its residents. Let’s check addresses please thank you