Meeting Time: September 09, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

10. 21-0280 Request by Councilmember Hadley and Councilmember Montgomery to Discuss Establishing a Dedicated Homeless Outreach Housing Navigator and Reserving Beds for Manhattan Beach (City Manager Moe). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Tiffany Barbara over 3 years ago

    Thank you, once again to Mayor Hadley and Councilmember Montgomery for putting this on the agenda! You both have been so compassionate about helping our homeless. I agree that both a housing navigator and reserving beds in transitional housing are effective ways to help our homeless. I support this proposal!

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    Mike Michalski over 3 years ago

    Both a housing navigator and reserving beds in transitional housing are necessary tools for dealing with a burgeoning homeless population. I support this proposal and am grateful to Mayor Hadley and Councilmember Montgomery for putting this on the agenda.

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    Lee Phillips over 3 years ago

    I support a full time social worker accountable to the city. The social worker should be proactive in his/her work, meaning he/she must go along hot spots everyday and proactively look for homeless in the city vs waiting for a call. He/she should be walking, biking along strand, Sepulveda, greenbelt, parks at various hours. The offer of help must be well documented.

    I also support beds with SHARED housing.

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    John Mistler over 3 years ago

    This has been something I have been advocating for for several years now. Manhattan Beach needs these tools to properly address homelessness in our city. Thank you Mayor Hadley and Councilman Montgomery for getting this on the agenda!

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    Tom and Betty Freitag over 3 years ago

    We have reviewed this proposal and strongly support establishing a Homeless Outreach Housing Navigator and reserving beds in Share Collaborative Housing . The Share model of helping our homeless is outstanding! We would be very interested in helping to rally local churches to furnish the rooms as St. Andrews Presbyterian Church did for the Redondo Beach rooms.
    Thank you Mayor Hadley and Councilman Montgomery for placing this on the Agenda for tonight!
    Tom and Betty Freitag