Meeting Time: September 09, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

11. 21-0259 Discuss and Provide Direction on Potential Additional Water Runoff Reduction Measures in the City for New Commercial and Residential Construction (Continued from the August 3, 2021, City Council Meeting) (Community Development Director Tai). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Gary Osterhout over 3 years ago

    I am in favor of requiring rainwater/runoff capture measures (tho not green roofs). Not in favor of proposed permitting fees, nor a “Runoff Reduction Fee”--we do not need any more loosely controlled funds, or provide developers a way to to buy-out of actual sustainable development. Note that our city stormwater fees already are based on assumed runoff, and under Safe Clean Water there is a 2.5-cent square foot tax on the impermeable surface of our properties--from which the city gets a portion.

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    Devon Nicole over 3 years ago


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    Charles Southey over 3 years ago

    Please have the city follow these recommended guidelines on city property before passing along to customers. Also, need clarity on who and why these are being recommend and by whom.

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    Bob Sievers over 3 years ago

    We don’t need more taxes. Public awareness and individual conservation is what needed. Not figure government and more programs and taxes