Meeting Time: September 21, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

16. 21-0288 Discussion of the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update (Community Development Director Tai). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE INPUT

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    James Harger almost 3 years ago

    I am adamantly opposed to bifurcating R1 lots to allow 2-3 units to built in the place of existing single family home. It will destroy our neighborhoods. We need to think out of the box strategically and partner with neighboring cities that can accommodate higher density and be closer to mass transit options. For example, how about demoing the Federal Building on the corner of Marine and Aviation and build high rise condominiums (30+ stories).

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    Gary Osterhout almost 3 years ago

    If "Public participation and community input are integral to the Housing Element Update" yet only "Seven members of the public
    attended and participated in polls, discussion and a question-and-answer session," then I would suggest the outreach efforts need re-thought. The public needs educated in possible alternatives. Unless a participant is already well versed in housing issues and knows where to push back, the only apparent option is to agree with Community Development's preferred results.