Meeting Time: September 21, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

17. 21-0297 Request by Councilmember Montgomery and Mayor Pro Tem Napolitano to Discuss Implementing a Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for City Employees (Human Resources Director Jenkins). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Kim BrantLucich over 3 years ago

    I strongly support this important recommendation from Councilmembers Napolitano and Montgomery to require vaccination for MB City employees. As a community, we should take all necessary precautions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, and follow the recommendations of medical professionals regarding vaccination. If applicable, the city might make reasonable accommodation for workers unable to get the vaccine so they may work from home if the job supports it.

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    MaryEllen Udovich over 3 years ago

    I oppose implementing a mandatory vaccine-policy for city employees. Forcing a city employee to choose between feeding their family and a personal medical decision is outside Council’s line of duty. You are not these individuals’ doctor, stay in your lane. What precedent are you trying to set? No forced vaccine mandates.