Please note that members of the public will be provided the opportunity to directly address the City council concerning the item(s) described below before the City Council considers such item(s). No other business shall be considered.
The City Council encourages the public to participate by submitting comments in advance of the meeting, no later than 12:30 PM, October 28, 2021 (the day of the meeting), via:
1) eComment at http://manhattanbeach.gov/ecomment;
2) email to cityclerk@manhattanbeach.gov; or
3) telephone message recorded at (310) 802-5030.
All of your comments provided by the deadlines above will be available to the City Council and the public prior to the meeting.
If you wish to speak on any item on the agenda, please register in advance by clicking the following link:
https://citymb.seamlessdocs.com/f/publiccomment, even when submitting this request you will need to use the "raise hand" feature via Zoom during the presentation of that Agenda Item in order to confirm with the City Clerk's Office that you wish to provide comments.
1) Join Zoom Meeting via the internet:
Direct URL: https://citymb-info.zoom.us/j/93376200363, Meeting ID: 933 7620 0363
During the meeting you will need to use the "raise hand" button through Zoom at the time the Agenda Item is being presented for City Council consideration.
2) Join Zoom Meeting via Phone Conference (Voice Only):
Phone Number: (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 933 7620 0363
During the meeting you will need to enter *9 on the phone's dial pad at the time the Agenda Item is being presented for City Council consideration.
Please note, the City is not responsible for the public's use of Zoom as it relates to the software, configuration, and setting on a personal device. The public is encouraged to visit the Zoom website for information on use of this software. The City's use of Zoom is consistent with the platform features and functions as described on the Zoom website.