Meeting Time: November 02, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

2. 21-0257 Presentation of Certificates of Recognition In Honor of Mayor Stern's Kindness Initiative to Diana Skaar and Madeline Kaplan for their Efforts in Supporting Manhattan Beach Families by Condemning Acts of Hate Against Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Members Through Sidewalk Chalk Art. PRESENT

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    Nina Tarnay over 3 years ago

    Thank you, City Council, for recognizing the efforts of Diana and Madeline Kaplan, in spreading awareness of acts of hate committed against the AAPI community and encouraging support by our community through the Sidewalk Chalk Art efforts. Diana and Madeline are exemplary members of our community--we are fortunate to such great people living in Manhattan Beach!

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    Elizabeth Heatherton over 3 years ago

    Given the comments of from Ms Skaar at a MBUSD board meeting, I find it ironic that she's bestowed a "kindness" award: how can labeling concerned parents at a school board meeting as a "mob" be considered kind? I'm disturbed at how this behavior is rewarded.

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    Christina Shivpuri over 3 years ago

    Congratulations to Diana Skaar and Madeline Kaplan for being recognized for their kindness. Their continuous efforts in this community should be celebrated. They are both model citizens and bring awareness to topics we should be having more dialogue about.

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    Kim BrantLucich over 3 years ago

    Congratulations to Diana Skaar and Madeline Kaplan for this recognition of their efforts in raising awareness in our community against anti-Asian hate with the Sidewalk chalk event. I am appalled that Lt. Harding would abuse this venue to make defamatory statements about Ms. Skaar. Many who observed the Sep 22 MBUSD Board meeting were horrified at the theatrics displayed by Ms. Nucci, who disrespected our MBUSD elected officials and showed blatant disregard for Public Health measures, refusing to adhere to LA County masking requirements. Many jeered at a TV outside the meeting room, perpetuating this bad behavior. Merriam Webster defines “mob” as “a large and disorderly crowd of people,” so Ms. Skaar's words seem well chosen. I know Ms. Skaar to be an involved and caring resident, open to engaging in civil dialogue with people of all views. I am very disappointed that someone would so abuse a public platform with this defamatory post.

    Jen Dohner over 3 years ago

    Congratulations to my friends, Diana Skaar and Madeline Kaplan for the hard work they have done to raise awareness in the community against anti-asian hate with their organization of the sidewalk chalk neighborhood event. I look forward to working with them on an upcoming similar initiative under LA vs Hate which seeks to stand up to all forms of hatred and discrimination.
    I believe when we see mean spirited or bullying behavior, we should call it out. That's part of the STAND-UP pledge the City Council and the School Board adopted in 2017. Vulgarity, flipping the bird, yelling, and flouting public health protocols to put others at risk are acts of open aggression and do not belong at a school board meeting. That said, attacking the character of a person, such as Lt.Col. Harding has done in her public comment about Diana Skaar, is an "ad hominem" attack of the variety frequently used when a person has no further leg to stand on in an argument and it has no place in our civil discourse.

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    Brenda OLeary over 3 years ago

    Congratulations to Diana and Madeline for your kindness, creativity and dedication to our community!


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    Diana Skaar over 3 years ago

    Hi LtColC Harding. I have attended many MBUSD meetings in the past couple of months have always welcomed a discussion with those in our community, especially with differing opinions. I believe dialog is the only way we make progress and that if we take the time to learn one another's stories, we realize that we are actually more aligned than we think. I have always appreciated the ability to have friendly discussions with Fred Taylor, Mahlone Becker, and others who have different opinions on diversity and inclusion. However, what shocked me was to see the theatrics that Brittany Nucci pulled at the School Board meeting on Sep 22, 2021 and the resulting jeering from the crowd that was gathered in front of the TV. Maybe it was hard for you to see yourself in that moment. But I and others looked on in shock of the disrespect being shown to our School Board members who dedicate so much to us in service. I welcome the opportunity to chat so I can further understand your views.

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    LtColC Harding over 3 years ago

    I recently spoke at a MBUSD board meeting. First time in many years. While waiting to speak outside (only 1 speaker enters the building at a time), I quietly chatted with some other parents waiting to speak. MsSkaar was also there & asked to speak last. We found out why she wanted the last word: when Ms Skaar spoke she called the 10 parents outside a MOB. We were all dumbfounded at her outlandish lie especially during a public, recorded forum.
    I served a career in the military to uphold the constitution. I have always called out what I see as Right or Wrong whether I support it or not. Since I was a kid, I have defended other folks who were not treated properly and I have called out and acted upon behaviors that are not appropriate.
    At the next MBUSD meeting, I admonished the Board for having allowed MsSkaar’s outlandish behavior, dishonesty & general Hatred of parents who don’t subscribe to her opinion. But to now see she’s getting an award for Kindness? Disgraceful.