Meeting Time: November 09, 2021 at 4:30pm PST
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Agenda Item

CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) Agency Negotiators: Bruce Moe, City Manager Lisa Jenkins, Human Resources Director Employee Groups: Manhattan Beach Firefighters' Association Manhattan Beach Fire Management Association Manhattan Beach Police Officers Association Manhattan Beach Police Management Association Manhattan Beach Mid-Management Employee Association Manhattan Beach Part-Time Employees' Association Unrepresented (Executive, Management and Confidential) Teamsters Local 911

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    Alison Chavez over 3 years ago

    Please pledge to enforce the mandatory vaccination policy for city employees. MBPD has already cost the city money by their inattentive posting on social media. The lawsuits which would result from someone’s death after interacting with a covid-positive, unvaccinated police officer would be prohibitive.
    The fact that MBPD officers spoke at the city council meeting (and galvanized supporters to call in) to protest this mandate, is in itself, unnerving. It illustrates exactly their political beliefs (Q-Anon conspiracy believers).
    I don’t want them putting MY life in danger because of political beliefs (no one believes it’s for religious reasons or “allergies”). The next time I’m pulled over by police, I’ll request proof of vaccination and hope it’s not a fake card printed from the internet (which is what their fellow extremists are doing).
    To all unvaccinated MBPD staff: DeSantis is hiring in Florida and you’ll fit right in.