Meeting Time: December 21, 2021 at 4:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Elyse Gura about 3 years ago

    At the 12/7 council meeting , members Hadley, Franklin & Montgomery wanted to remove Kindness Initiative recognitions from the Ceremonial Calendar, complaining about spending meeting time honoring people who demonstrate that we are a caring community & there is more that unites us than divides us. Recipients would no longer receive public recognition for their contributions. What would motivate this recommendation?
    Other events during that meeting & at school board meetings motivate this appeal.
    The MB City Council Rules of Decorum require that you promote mutual respect and civility. Those Rules require you to demonstrate, through your behavior & how you speak to each other, how residents will discuss their differences on issues. You can be powerful role models , if you choose to, for civility and for mutual respect. Be less concerned with drawing battle lines and more concerned with finding common ground.
    Please rise to this opportunity.