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Agenda Item


    Jen Dohner about 3 years ago

    A belated thank you to the Council for extending outdoor dining and closing City Hall to the public during the surge. Thank you for being responsible with the public health of our community.

    I appreciate the reporting of case numbers via instagram, but have noticed that the percentage having received just one vaccination shot has been highlighted. While this number is promising, the city should also include the percentages who are doubly vaccinated and boosted. I’m concerned that the 91% number may give false confidence during this surge, when in reality just 83.2% have their second dose and only 44.7%* (*acknowledging some are not eligible) have been boosted.

    CDC Guidelines now place double-vaccinated booster-eligible patients in the same category as unvaccinated patients. City reports should reflect that fact. It may further encourage some to update their vaccine status and upgrade their masks from cloth to KN95’s, reducing local hospitalizations and making us all safer.