Porn in school is a none starter, period. Anyone who thinks otherwise really ought to have their brains checked. This is not about censorship, this is about the fact that the 2 pornographic titles shouldn’t even have made the list of access in the first place. Any parents who want to expose their kids to that garbage are still 200% free to at their own discretion. But don’t shove it down the rest of us. As for the useful idiots with deep seated Susan Derangement Syndrome, y’all really ought to try harder to get a life n stop being pathetic trolling Karens. The fact this is even up for discussion just shows what total lack of moral compass some of the adults in MB have devolved. Anyone who thinks this is okay for kids, may you choke on the disgusting smut.
I am disappointed by Suzanne Hadley's comments at the public school board meeting wherein she advocated for censorship. While, yes, she has a right to voice her opinion under the first amendment, it behooves us to keep in mind that she took an oath to serve the public in the role as City Council member. This is not the first time that she shoots off at the mouth, espousing individual beliefs that seem to be at odds with a sophisticated society. It isn't the first time she conflates very rigid personal beliefs with the responsibilities of the collective good and building a sophisticated society. Advocating to strip away the rights of parents to choose what their kids read, is NOT ok. This is not about whether the books on the list are good or bad. That is subject to personal opinion. For sure, a national group of literary scholars have made these recommendations! This is about parents' choice.
Porn in school is a none starter, period. Anyone who thinks otherwise really ought to have their brains checked. This is not about censorship, this is about the fact that the 2 pornographic titles shouldn’t even have made the list of access in the first place. Any parents who want to expose their kids to that garbage are still 200% free to at their own discretion. But don’t shove it down the rest of us. As for the useful idiots with deep seated Susan Derangement Syndrome, y’all really ought to try harder to get a life n stop being pathetic trolling Karens. The fact this is even up for discussion just shows what total lack of moral compass some of the adults in MB have devolved. Anyone who thinks this is okay for kids, may you choke on the disgusting smut.
I am disappointed by Suzanne Hadley's comments at the public school board meeting wherein she advocated for censorship. While, yes, she has a right to voice her opinion under the first amendment, it behooves us to keep in mind that she took an oath to serve the public in the role as City Council member. This is not the first time that she shoots off at the mouth, espousing individual beliefs that seem to be at odds with a sophisticated society. It isn't the first time she conflates very rigid personal beliefs with the responsibilities of the collective good and building a sophisticated society. Advocating to strip away the rights of parents to choose what their kids read, is NOT ok. This is not about whether the books on the list are good or bad. That is subject to personal opinion. For sure, a national group of literary scholars have made these recommendations! This is about parents' choice.