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Agenda Item

1. 22-0133 Consideration of Actions Regarding the "MB Citizens for Schools" Measure (Parcel Tax Initiative) (City Clerk Tamura and City Attorney Barrow). (Estimated Time: 1 Hr.) A) RECEIVE AND FILE CERTIFICATION OF SUFFICIENCY B) SELECT A COURSE OF ACTION C) APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE COURSE OF ACTION

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    YeaLan Chiang about 3 years ago

    Dear MB City Council: Thanks for your continuing support of our schools. Tonight, we request that you take another important step when youl receive the report from the County Clerk of Los Angeles certifying the signatures of the citizen led parcel tax initiative. We ask that you accept this certification and submit the measure to the county by the March 11th deadline to be included on the June 7th election ballot.
    Our community stands behind our schools and this citizen-led initiative allows for Manhattan Beach residents to make that choice with their vote. Thank you for all that you do! Yea-Lan Chiang, Robinson Parent and Volunteer

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    Wysh Weinstein about 3 years ago

    In February, the MB Citizens for Schools introduced a parcel tax initiative to change the formula for locally controlled school funding in MB. In 9 days, over 4100 signatures were gathered and certified by the Manhattan Beach City Clerk. The support was overwhelming and sent a clear message – our community continues to prioritize high-quality schools. Tonight, you will receive the report from the County Clerk of Los Angeles certifying these signatures. We ask that you accept this certification and submit the measure to the county by March 11th to be included on the June 7th election ballot. School funding is an important community issue that has the potential to bring our community together. The June election avoids a potentially charged and divisive election in November. The community stands behind our schools and the parcel tax initiative allows for Manhattan Beach residents to make that choice with their vote. -Wysh Weinstein, MBUSD Council President