Meeting Time: March 15, 2022 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Maureen Denitz almost 3 years ago

    As a resident of MB for over 34 yrs I hope you will not approve special events for Bruces Beach Park. It’s a reflective park with a gorgeous view set among a tight residential area with very narrow roadways. There are no bathrms, no picnic benches or tables, no BBQ pits like other parks. It’s a reflective type park. It’s hard to get a fire truck thru that area even now with parking. Can you imagine with crowds and illegal parking during a large event how emergency vehicles would navigate this? Please don't ruin this neighborhood or its park. It’s perfect the way it is. You voted 5-0 4 yrs ago to keep out special events for this park and the parquettes. Hope you continue that logic.

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    Maureen Denitz almost 3 years ago

    As a resident of MB for over 34 yrs I hope you will not approve special events for Bruces Beach Park. It’s a reflective park with a gorgeous view set among a tight residential area with very narrow roadways. There are no bathrms, no picnic benches or tables, no BBQ pits like other parks. It’s a reflective type park. It’s hard to get a fire truck thru that area even now with parking. Can you imagine with crowds and illegal parking during a large event how emergency vehicles would navigate this? Please don't ruin this neighborhood or its park. It’s perfect the way it is. You voted 5-0 4 yrs ago to keep out special events for this park and the parquettes. Hope you continue that logic.

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    D Berger almost 3 years ago

    Dear Council - I strongly advocate for the proposal to add Bruce's Beach and the Parkettes (and any and all parks in MB, for that matter) for special events permitting. Why anyone is against this is beyond me. Requiring permits for special events at all MB parks is a uniform policy that protects our parks, the neighborhood, and the event coordinators. I see absolutely no downside.  I also would like to see approval of the Commissioners' recommendations for revisions and improvements to the permitting process and wording.  By having consistency, City Council will ensure that random, non-permitted usage of the parks is minimized and that events are coordinated successfully for all.
    Thank you!

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    Elizabeth Heatherton almost 3 years ago

    Council Members, please advise us all why illegal activities and non-permitted very large gatherings are allowed to go on in MB parks that do not have the resources (bathrooms, parking, security, etc)? Why? As residents, we abide by the rules, park and gather accordingly, obey the noise and alcohol ordinances, etc. but "someone" has thought it's a great idea to allow chaos at a small local park? Why are residents expected to abide by rules/codes/laws but non-residents can do whatever and without permits? Huh? Where's the logic in this, did I miss something? Please explain, thank you.

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    Scott Chambers about 3 years ago

    Dear city council I find it ironic that you would consider letting lage events happen at Bruce's Beach. Since in looks like it was a large event in October 1923 that approx 1400 people that caused the city founders to eminent donain the land in the first place. Sighting they did not want a resort of any type in the middle of their small town. Please see link
