Meeting Time: July 05, 2022 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Scott Chambers over 2 years ago

    For the $140,0000.00 that the city paid to get measure A on the ballot we could have hired an additional foot patrol officer. Then that armed robbery might have been prevented. We need to get our priorities straight. Which brings me to the publicity this whole Bruce's Beach story is bringing on our town once again. We need hire a real Historical firm to get to the bottom of this. Even our small historical committee could find no evidence of the KKK. But that doesn't stop it being mentioned in every story about Bruce's Beach.

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    Heather K over 2 years ago

    The crime in our city is out of control. It took the terrifying armed robbery of Pasha Fine Jewelry store by a multitude of thugs with guns and hammers to bring heightened awareness. I'm disappointed that our full council did not vote no confidence in District Attorney George Gascon but I hope that Hildy Stern and Richard Montgomery will see the error of their judgment and vocally endorse the recall efforts. It is clear that the lack of fear of punishments has led to emboldened criminal behavior. Use of a gun is no longer an enhancement so thugs will use guns. Felonies reduced to misdemeanors reduced to a walk out of jail with no cash bail are obviously contributing to this animalistic behavior. As a business owner myself, I'm terrified of the day we will be hit. We need more police presence and proactive measures to make thugs think twice about coming into our hood.

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    LtColC Harding over 2 years ago

    2 weeks ago, I voiced that you must turbo charge a campaign to make the Safety THE priority but the response was luke warm: “the summer safety campaign is about to kick off”, “let’s wait until we have a new Police Chief”... I know we could do so much more & I voiced that. A few days later we have an armed robbery during one of the busiest times in our downtown. How no one was hurt or run over is a sheer MIRACLE. Where was the Mayor’s speech to residents calming their fears? Where was the Mayor’s presence or even a statement read at the annual Neighborhood Watch mtg last week. Just Crickets. This is unacceptable.
    We cannot march along & assume issues will solve themselves or just go away.
    Please at least hire a PD Chief who will be Tough on Crime. We were so fortunate to have had Chief Abel but we cannot settle for someone who will not stand up to the County when it comes to Public Safety. It’s already unsettling that we don’t have all 5 council members backing the DA Recall.

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    Mike Michalski over 2 years ago

    In my 31 years as a Manhattan Beach resident, I have never seen public safety under this much duress. Council must do more than just mouth empty platitudes like "Public safety is our number one concern." Actions speak louder than words and to date this Council has been missing in action. Increase the police budget to hire more patrol officers, beef up our police presence downtown and hire a police chief who, like our dearly missed Chief Abell, believes in the broken windows theory of law enforcement. And while you're at it, Council, how about a unanimous vote of no confidence in rogue District Attorney George Gascon?

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    Heidi Rayden Tobias over 2 years ago

    Extremely concerned about last weeks horrific armed robbery (labeled a “smash & grab”) at Pasha jewelers.
    We need to do more as a city & community to combat Gascon supported & enabled criminals. Machete attack, stabbing … now this ! I hope City Council will be presented with a “tough on crime” candidate for police chief.

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    AudreyA RittermaEstes over 2 years ago

    Our city must stand up to protect our citizens & visitors against an increase in crime as City Council has done to protect small animals against coyotes.. We need more of a police force on the ground and hire a police chief who's tough on crime. After many family pets have fallen prey finally City Hall is moving forward to try to stop the coyote issue. Now I am asking nicely if City Hall Manager and MBCC to put more funding in to fighting crime instead of new street signs and painted rainbows.