Meeting Time: October 18, 2022 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2. 22-0432 Consideration of Five Appeals of the Planning Commission's Decision to Affirm the Community Development Director's Approval of a Precise Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, and Tentative Parcel Map for the Development of a 96,217 Square-Foot Multi-Family Residential Building Ranging 37 to 50 Feet in Height and Including 79 Rental Dwelling Units with the Developer Utilizing a Density Bonus Pursuant to State Law, Inclusive of Waivers and Concessions, at 401 Rosecrans Avenue and 3770 Highland Avenue (Continued from the August 16, 2022, City Council Meeting) (Community Development Director Tai). (Estimated Time: 2 Hrs.) A) RESUME DELIBERATIONS B) AFFIRM AND UPHOLD THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION

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    Bernard Wong over 2 years ago

    council members, kinda obvious y'all should vote NO against a greedy developer who takes out a full page ad espousing the benefits of his project to local MB residents and his best shot in big, bold type is that his development will "ADD" public parking spaces. what a crock! like he's gonna be constructing any public parking spaces that don't already exist out of his own selflessness?
    NO! these parking spaces are already there. he's not adding anything new. even worse, he doesn't even own the land where these spaces are paved. he leases them from Chevron and must quit with as little as thirty days notice!
    wow, can a benefit to local MB residents be any flimsier? if you accept a LIE as lousy as this, how much more complicit can you be?
    riddle me this, city councillors. how many Riddle Family Trusts can there be in the South Bay for you to collect thousands in consulting services fees from? enquiring minds want to know. Joe and Suzanne, power to ya, attack!

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    Robert Maynez over 2 years ago

    As to the referenced Appeals, due to community chatter surrounding potential conflicts of interest in this matter, I maintain that City Attorney Quinn Barrow should take a deeper dive into allegations that particular City Councilmembers may have a financial conflict of interest in the HighRose real estate development project. For the avoidance of doubt, closer scrutiny would seem in the best interest of Manhattan Beach, to ensure that no decision maker has a financial interest in the outcome of this matter pursuant to California law. (for guidance) Respectfully submitted, Robert A. Maynez, Manhattan Beach homeowner, resident, and voter.

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    Robin Anderson over 2 years ago

    I oppose