Meeting Time: December 06, 2022 at 4:30pm PST
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Agenda Item


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    Char Harding over 2 years ago

    I give a heartfelt thank you to Councilmember Hadley for her untiring Service to our town.   She went above and beyond the call of duty to research and discuss each topic, listen to residents, then highlight specific points from multiple angles for the residents and other voting councilmen to hear.  I did not agree with her vote on all topics, as it should be, but to witness a councilmember give 110% each and every meeting was unquestionably laudable.  She was unwavering in her convictions and a true and trusted advocated for our town and its future.  I was truly saddened by all of the unjustified attacks she’d endured in office, from threatening personal attacks to repeated misquotes by the newspapers and the supposed anti-Hate group.  But never in my decades as a resident did I ever expect Hateful residents to go so low as to form an anti-Hadley Political Action Committee to raise money with the sole purpose to attack a candidate hence turning the last campaign vitriolic.