Meeting Time: December 20, 2022 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3. 22-0457 Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Five-Year Agreement with Vital Medical Services for On-Call Non-Emergency Medical Services for In-Custody Arrestees in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $500,000 (Police Chief Johnson). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 22-0167

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    Stefan Kampe about 2 years ago

    Request that consultant be asked to provide/publish a semi-annual report sent to Police Chief with a copy to City Council that summarizes testing performed, provides a perspective on trends, and list of issues and recommended actions to address. The Police Chief to review report and send City Council report on actions recommended to address trends. These recommendations and decisions by Police Chief and City Council be included in a City Council meeting for public visibility.