Meeting Time: June 06, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item


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    Char Harding almost 2 years ago

    A year ago, I pleaded with Council Members to put Crime Prevention procedures in place to protect ALL of our residents.
    You said you were doing plenty.
    - a week later a jewelry store was hit for the FIRST time. One year later, we are being hit around the clock. Safety/Security is a Basic Need in one’s life. 631 calls to Police just last week!
    You repeatedly say Crime is your #1 priority, but actions speak for themselves.

    Viewing people through the lens of sexual orientation, race, or any group at all is not beneficial to society. It’s plain and simple DIVISION: those are the actions you focus on. You align with groups who are both Hateful and Intolerant to some, but you ignore that aspect. Let's focus on what affects all residents. Crime affects us all. If I recall during your campaigns, most, if not all of you, said Public Safety/Crime was your #1 Priority. I am not seeing it . It got you elected and it's a great buzz word/phrase.

    Please address our basic needs.