Meeting Time: June 06, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

15. 23-0234 Consideration of a Three-Year Memorandum of Understanding with Oceanographic Teaching Stations (OTS) Authorizing the Use of the Roundhouse for Fundraising Events, and Consideration of a Request from the OTS to Modify Permissible Hours in the Existing Agreement to Allow for an Earlier Start Time for a June 7, 2023, Event (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). (Estimated Time: 30 Mins.) A) DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION B) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 23-0070

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    Gary Osterhout over 1 year ago

    I dislike any granting of any "discretion" to City Staff without more defined guardrails. Lack of same is bad governance. There are no parameters or restrictions on time periods or even the mechanics behind naming a City Manager "designee." Further, it hasn't been shown that the current MOU is unworkable or burdensome in its current wording and guidance. With the proposed wording, you might as well remove the text that immediately precedes it. Further, this sort of action continues the trend to a lack of accountability or transparency. Such an action then takes any resident disagreement with a CM decision to a "CM vs. Council" issue for a decision already made. That is divisive to community amity. Under the existing rules everyone clearly knows what the rule is and can act accordingly.