Meeting Time: November 07, 2023 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

26. 23-0475 Consider Request by Councilmember Lesser and Councilmember Howorth to Discuss Extending Recycled Water (i.e. Purple Pipe) Capacity from Polliwog Park to the Median on Manhattan Beach Boulevard (City Manager Moe). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Gary Osterhout 12 months ago

    I'm going to go off topic a bit and express my total disbelief and concern about your decision-making specifically not to include trees in the medians. Won't grow? Look at Hawthorne Blvd south of PCH! A safety problem -- c'mon. Only wanting trees where where people can congregate--that doesn't make sense, like this is a zero-sum game. Trees don't grow when they are not attended to or are too large when planted. They are relatively drought-tolerant when established. Trees are a large part of the definition of a livable city. And if you are going to extend recycled water, then the water-use argument totally goes away.

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    Stefan Kampe 12 months ago

    Here is a first shot at giving some direction - - perhaps someone from the City can provide some of the missing details before the meeting.

    Problem statement: The medians along Manhattan Beach Blvd (need more specificity on location) currently consume XXX gallons of potable water per day which is excessive when compared to watering needs of other medians with different vegetation. The measurable goals are 1) to reduce potable water consumption from XXX/day to YYY/day, and 2) ensure the medians continue to provide an aesthetically pleasing look.

    Direction to city staff is to flush out options to achieve the stated goal. Options to consider include:
    1) extending the purple pipe providing recycled water from Polliwog Park to the medians being considered.
    2) changing the vegetation of the median.
    3) a combination of the two above.