Meeting Time: October 01, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6. 24-0335 Consideration of a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Butier Engineering, Inc. for Additional Construction Management and Inspection Services in the Amount of $350,025 for the Peck Reservoir Replacement Project (Public Works Director Lee). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 24-0114

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    Stefan Kampe 6 months ago

    I recommend taking this out of the consent calendar so it can be discussed publicly. The questions that came to my mind were:

    1. Status of Project - it appears that the project is near completion. Is this truly the case? Is this something that should be celebrated or published broadly as it was started in June 2020.
    2. Budget and change orders - the attached request appears to be the 4th change request from Butier. Given the extended timeline this may be appropriate. I do not have the detail knowledge to comment on that. What would be good to see in the presentation is the history of change orders and not just the last one. Further, the budget amount is larger than the total estimated cost at completion. How was this accomplished? Was the budget increased as part of the annual budgeting process? Good to understand that. This could be a good example of how projects are managed. A good thing to share given how tight funding is today and looking forward.