Meeting Time: October 01, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

10. 24-0260 Consideration of a Pilot Project to Partially Implement the Preferred Vision of the Long-Term Outdoor Dining Program (Acting Community Development Director Heise). (Estimated Time: 1 Hr.) DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Stefan Kampe 6 months ago

    I support the idea of a pilot project. However, what I did not read in the legislation text and the Pilot Project Plan and Cost Estimate were the measurable goals or outcomes of the pilot project. A pilot project is typically used to confirm going ahead with the overall project. In other words, the pilot project is being done to answer what questions or provide data on what outcomes? For example,
    * increase in sales (then the current sales will need to be recorded to see the increase)
    * resident feedback on noise, traffic, etc - - how would this be measured?
    * additional workload for the city will this be measured?
    * what else? What will the city council want to see after the pilot is completed in order to approve or not approve moving f