7. 24-0413 Consideration of a Resolution Approving Amendment No.1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Faith Group, LLC for Additional Inspection Services in the Amount of $119,760 for the Citywide Security Cameras Project - Phases 1 and 2 (Public Works Director Lee).
There has to be an upper limit on how much we spend on surveillance equipment and related services. So far, I see little in the way of cost effectiveness. An expensive placebo that otherwise is rife for privacy abuse.
Please pull from the agenda so the following can be explained to the public. The amendment states: "Section 3.A of the Agreement is hereby amended to increase the Maximum Compensation amount by $119,760.00, for a new Maximum Compensation of $279,440.00." The material does not explain a) the reason(s) for the increase (I expect the scope and/or the schedule was changed), and b) what, if any, to cost impact to the overall project (which I expect to be proportional to this increase).
There has to be an upper limit on how much we spend on surveillance equipment and related services. So far, I see little in the way of cost effectiveness. An expensive placebo that otherwise is rife for privacy abuse.
Please pull from the agenda so the following can be explained to the public. The amendment states: "Section 3.A of the Agreement is hereby amended to increase the Maximum Compensation amount by $119,760.00, for a new Maximum Compensation of $279,440.00." The material does not explain a) the reason(s) for the increase (I expect the scope and/or the schedule was changed), and b) what, if any, to cost impact to the overall project (which I expect to be proportional to this increase).