Meeting Time: December 03, 2024 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

7. 24-0413 Consideration of a Resolution Approving Amendment No.1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Faith Group, LLC for Additional Inspection Services in the Amount of $119,760 for the Citywide Security Cameras Project - Phases 1 and 2 (Public Works Director Lee). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 24-0136

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    Gary Osterhout about 1 month ago

    There has to be an upper limit on how much we spend on surveillance equipment and related services. So far, I see little in the way of cost effectiveness. An expensive placebo that otherwise is rife for privacy abuse.

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    Stefan Kampe about 1 month ago

    Please pull from the agenda so the following can be explained to the public. The amendment states: "Section 3.A of the Agreement is hereby amended to increase the Maximum Compensation amount by $119,760.00, for a new Maximum Compensation of $279,440.00." The material does not explain a) the reason(s) for the increase (I expect the scope and/or the schedule was changed), and b) what, if any, to cost impact to the overall project (which I expect to be proportional to this increase).