Meeting Time: December 03, 2024 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10. 24-0396 Consideration of RLA Conservation Art Assessment Recommendations from the Cultural Arts Commission, Allocation of Public Arts Funds, and Direction to the Cultural Arts Commission to Develop a Formal Deaccession Policy (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). (Estimated Time: 30 Mins.) A) APPROVE B) ALLOCATE PUBLIC ART FUNDS C) PROVIDE DIRECTION TO THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION

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    Stefan Kampe 2 months ago

    I was not able to see how the summary cost of $201,025 came from the detail report. I also was not able to see which of the recommendations to minimize future damages was included in the project scope. I also suggest that the presenter discuss how future budgets will address these concerns.