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Agenda Item

1. 24-0430 Consideration of Redevelopment Options for Parking Lot 3 (Acting Community Development Director Heise). (Estimated Time: 1 Hr.) DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Gary Osterhout 3 months ago

    Many of these proposals seem to be sprung out of whole cloth, and would have a significant impact on the current downtown atmosphere and environment. There seems to be no acknowledgement of residents' preference for "small town, family friendly" environment, but favors more commercial, more traffic, more impacts. Absolutely no subterranean connection to Metlox. Hotel? Remember all the concerns pre-Shade (which was supposed to be a B&B)? Certainly anything even discussed beyond status quo should be crafted by the new councilmembers and have much broader community discussion of all aspects. I don't remember any questions on the community parking lot survey that discussed a hotel or additional commercial. Nor does the PPT reference any compatible community direction from prior community meetings. To start this during the holiday season where the community's attention is elsewhere seems intentional.
