Meeting Time: December 30, 2024 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Rebecca Vaughan 2 months ago

    We oppose the proposal to put crosswalks at Voorhees/8th and Aviation. Pedestrians can already access businesses at Artesia, 2nd Street, and MB Blvd. Students crossing from Redondo Beach can already access Mira Costa at Artesia, which is also a more direct route to the high school. Adding crosswalks at these locations will cause more cars to divert traffic through residential streets. We already have enough cars flying down our street currently. Lastly, your survey that was sent to residents is extremely flawed and biased by making EVERY respondent still “choose” a desired crosswalk layout even if opposed, which appears to be a deceitful way to state that all respondents agreed to crosswalks since every respondent "chose a crosswalk layout." We do not support this proposal.

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    Kristie DanielDiGregorio 2 months ago

    Proposal to add crosswalks @ Voorhees/Eighth and Aviation. This is a solution in search of a problem. Justifications are non-issues.1. Few students cross to MCHS; those who do can access via Artesia. 2. Businesses are clustered at existing x-walks. 3. Gaps for cars to enter Aviation will exacerbate already congested road. 4. Bus stops can be accessed by existing x-walks. “Survey” sent to residents is inherently biased bc in order to submit feedback, EVERY respondent must “choose” a desired x-walk layout even if opposed. Proposal will divert cars and e-bikes to residential streets adding to congestion, risks for walking/biking students and the many pedestrians exercising/walking pets.