1. 25-0087 Consideration of:
a) Preliminary Plans to Implement the Long-Term Outdoor Dining Program Preferred Vision; and
b) Recommendations from the Outdoor Dining Task Force
(Acting Community Development Director Heise).
(Estimated Time: 3 Hr.)
This cost is untenable. No reasonable person should want additional outdoor dining to spend this much. We already have plenty of outdoor dining. The city is currently building a parking structure, we may be going into recession, building costs and manpower are sky high due to the fire rebuilding, and the numbers provided in this report make no sense. The numbers OMIT all the additional costs the city paid during the outdoor dining program (LAZ enforcement, etc) and no mention is made of how filthy the city was and the extra expenses for services that will be incurred such as maintenance, trash collection, police, etc. This is in additional to the destruction of our unique MB downtown vibe. A big NO!
This cost is untenable. No reasonable person should want additional outdoor dining to spend this much. We already have plenty of outdoor dining. The city is currently building a parking structure, we may be going into recession, building costs and manpower are sky high due to the fire rebuilding, and the numbers provided in this report make no sense. The numbers OMIT all the additional costs the city paid during the outdoor dining program (LAZ enforcement, etc) and no mention is made of how filthy the city was and the extra expenses for services that will be incurred such as maintenance, trash collection, police, etc. This is in additional to the destruction of our unique MB downtown vibe. A big NO!