Meeting Time: July 07, 2015 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10. ORD 15-0011 Conduct Public Hearing Regarding the Proposed Solid Waste Fees for the Food Waste Recycling Program (Public Works Director Olmos). CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING; ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 15-0011; APPROVE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 15-0037

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    Gordon Chen over 9 years ago

    Although the intentions are good, this program seems premature to deploy. There does not appear to be any good indication of the level of participation and therefore benefits. With my own control of food waste and composting I find that the Food Waste unnecessary, yet yields wasted costs, and likely unused collection materials. A major concern I have is the attracting more animals into the garbage bins as we already have issues with possums, skunks, and raccoons.

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    Gary Osterhout over 9 years ago

    There is no established cost basis for our tiered trash rates. With the courts deciding that unsubstantiated tiered rates are against the state constitution, I don't find that the city is providing the right leadership by ignoring this event. Other cities, understanding the problem, have proactively gone forward to support their rates. Our council should not be mute on the issue.

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    William McCleish over 9 years ago

    1. I request that the Council hold over the Food Waste Recycling item until additional analysis and outreach is done to residential and commercial users who will be affected by this decision.
    2. Insufficient time and analysis has been given to consideration of the entire food waste program and Council appears to be rushing to make a decision that will impact waste collection and management costs for the foreseeable future.