I'm still waiting for the construct that allows the addition Stage 3 restrictions--those were not allowed by the prior ordinance, and clearly there was not a 10-day notice required under the new ordinance. Certainly PubWorks couldn't mandate alternate side watering prior to enactment of the new ordinance (which they did). Hardly transparent or professional. That said, I think MB is the only city with one-day/week watering. Should also allow driveway carwash w/bucket as immaterial to goals.
I'm still waiting for the construct that allows the addition Stage 3 restrictions--those were not allowed by the prior ordinance, and clearly there was not a 10-day notice required under the new ordinance. Certainly PubWorks couldn't mandate alternate side watering prior to enactment of the new ordinance (which they did). Hardly transparent or professional. That said, I think MB is the only city with one-day/week watering. Should also allow driveway carwash w/bucket as immaterial to goals.